Brief notes:
Arrived yesterday, Thursday, in St. Charles, IL (W of Chicago).
Had dinner with Cruzbike team. Met new teammates Robert Holler and Lucia Parker and Jonathan (last name?) from Coventry Cycle Works. Nice, smart people. Talked about new current bikes, new fantasy bikes, discontinued models. I’m going to keep mum on that point and leave it to CB to announce these. (If they were to go with one of my ideas for a fantasy bike though, fans of CB would flip out. I’ll say no more. We’ll just have to see what happens.)
OK, about that new Red Vendetta that suddenly appeared on the CB website the day before yesterday. I’m told that Tolhurst believes the new model has a stiffer front end than the previous V and is a POUND LIGHTER than the old model. The front end is definitely more adjustable. Personally, I liked the old Vendetta and the fact that the rider had a customized fit. This is appropriate for a race bike. But a more adjustable front end means riders can experiment more with their riding position as they get used to the bike. Also, in truth, it makes the bike more sellable, both for me as a dealer, but also for the “used” market. It’s an interesting move. I think it will be a hot item.
The new Silvio. The seat angle remains 27 degrees. The “S30” means seat=30 degrees, but it’s really 27 deg. I predict great things from this model. I’ve already sold a significant number, so I anticipate this run will sell out very quickly.
This morning, Friday, we had the traditional Cruzbike Death March. I don’t know why, but it seems the term “death” really turns people off from showing up in the hotel lobby at 5:30am for a 3-mi. jog to the pool, an hour swim, a soak in the hot tub or sauna, and then breakfast.
Still, 4 of us were there. Plans for tomorrow’s Death March are forming, but we’d like to do a ride. We’re still honing in on the route, but, this year, I brought pedals and bike shoes in case we go far and fast. By the way, in person Maria is very nice, quick to laugh, serious, energetic. There must be something about a race that brings out her competitive side. Or else, she’s just competing at a whole different level than most of us. It reminds me of when I’ve worked with other world class athletes like at the NYC Marathon, or pro open water swim competitions, or the English Channel-league swimmers (through CIBBOWS); there’s an easy-goingness that they carry in their ordinary life that disappears — surely it must disappear — entirely in a competion.
I’ll try and post more news later today or tomorrow.
Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2013 Robert Matson